miércoles, 17 de abril de 2019

{Budín de avena, zanahoria y naranja}

Bizcocho de avena, zanahoria y naranja

Molde: 25cm ×10 cm

En el mercado

- Para el budín

3 zanahorias (180 g)
200 g de azúcar
3 huevos
180 g de aceite de girasol
70 g de harina de trigo
150 g de avena en copos
1 cucharadita de levadura química (5 g)
1 cucharadita de canela en polvo
Cáscara de una naranja

- Para el glaseado

6 cucharadas de azúcar glas
2 cucharadas de zumo de naranja

En la cocina

- Para el budín

1) Precalentar el horno a 180 grados.
2) Lavar, pelar y rallar las zanahorias.
3) Eliminar la parte blanca de la cáscara de naranja (que podría ser amarga), trocearla y añadirla junto con las zanahorias.
4) Incorporar el aceite de girasol y triturar todo junto hasta obtener un puré.
5) Echar los huevos en un bowl junto con el azúcar y batir la mezcla hasta que espume y gane volumen.
6) Incorporar el puré de zanahoria, el aceite y la naranja, y continuar batiendo para que se integre todo bien.
7) En otro bowl, mezclar la harina, la avena, la levadura y la canela.
8) Añadir los ingredientes secos (la mezcla de harina, avena, levadura y canela) al bowl de los ingredientes húmedos.
9) Mezclar con una cuchara de silicona o de madera, con movimientos envolventes hasta obtener una masa homogénea. En este punto no conviene batir.
10) Engrasar un molde de budín con mantequilla derretida y espolvorear una capa muy fina de harina con ayuda de un colador.
11) Verter la masa en el molde, dado golpes suaves al molde para que se eliminen posibles burbujas de aire.
12) Hornear a 180 grados durante 50 m o hasta que al pincharlo con un palito de brochette, éste salga totalmente seco.
13) Una vez listo, sacarlo del horno y reservar.
14) Cuando esté templado verás que ha encogido ligeramente y que los bordes se han despegado. Es el momento de desmoldarlo.
15) Dejar enfriar por completo sobre una rejilla.

- Para el glaseado

1) Una vez frío, preparar el glaseado mezclando el azúcar glas con el zumo de naranja hasta que el azúcar se disuelva y quede una mezcla blanca y espesa. Este glaseado no queda totalmente blanco, si quieres que quede más espeso y duro al secarse, añade más azúcar a la mezcla.
2) Verter el glaseado sobre la superficie del budín y dejar sobre la rejilla o sobre un papel de horno hasta que el glaseado se seque y se endurezca.


{Filetes de merluza rebozados en avena}

Filetes de merluza rebozados en avena

En el mercado

4 filetes de merluza
Zumo de limón
Dos cucharadas de Copos de Avena Quaker
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
1/2 cucharada de orégano
2 dientes de ajo
2 cucharadas de perejil picado
2 cucharadas de salsa de soja

En la cocina

1) Preparando la salsa para el marinado con las dos cucharadas de soja, media de orégano, dos dientes de ajo picados, dos cucharadas de perejil picado y una pizca de sal marina, al gusto.
2) Lavar bien los filetes de merluza y colocarlos en un bowl con zumo de limón. Añadir la salsa del marinado por encima y dejar reposar durante 30m, aproximadamente.
3) Preparar la avena en un plato y rebozar cada uno de los filetes, colocándolos con cuidado sobre una bandeja de horno previamente preparada con papel de hornear. Añadir unas gotas de aceite a cada filete.
4) Hornear a 180 grados hasta que los filetes queden dorados por cada lado.


{Pollo crispy con copos de avena}

Pollo crispy con Copos de Avena Quaker y sésamo

En el mercado

Pechuga de pollo deshuesada
3 huevos
200 g de Copos de Avena Quaker
100 g de semillas de sésamo
2 cucharadas de mostaza
Pimienta negra molida

En la cocina

1) Filetear la pechuga de pollo a un centímetro de grosor y salpimentar al gusto.
2) Batir los huevos en un bowl, añadiendo el perejil picado y las cucharadas de mostaza hasta que quede todo bien mezclado.
3) Mientras, en un plato hondo, mezclar la avena y las semillas de sésamo.
4) Uno a uno, introducir los filetes de pollo en el preparado de huevos batidos y rebozar con la avena y las semillas de sésamo.
5) Preparar el pollo rebozado en una bandeja de horno con aceite y hornear durante 15 minutos a máxima potencia. Repetir la operación dando la vuelta a cada filete de pollo durante 15 minutos más.


martes, 16 de abril de 2019

{Tarta de zanahoria con masa de avena}

En el mercado

- Para la masa

3 tazas de Avena Quaker Tradicional
1 taza de harina leudante
6 cucharadas de manteca fría en cubitos
9 cucharadas de agua fría
150 g. de queso rallado o más, a gusto

- Para el relleno

1 cebolla grande
3 zanahorias ralladas
3 cucharadas de queso blanco Filadelfia
Queso rallado, a gusto
3 huevos
Sal, a gusto

En la cocina

- Para la masa

1) Precalentar el horno a 190°C.
2) En un bowl, colocar la avena, incorporar la manteca y mezclar utilizando sólo las yemas de los dedos hasta obtener una masa “con migas”.
3) Agregar el queso rallado y, de a poco, el agua para humedecer. Unir bien.
4) Colocar harina en la mesada y esparcir la masa.
5) Estirar con un rodillo y colocar en un molde de tarta.
6) Cocinar durante 15m a horno suave.

- Para el relleno

1) Cortar la cebolla en juliana y rallar las zanahorias.
2) Saltear en manteca hasta dorar.
3) Incorporar el queso blanco, los huevos y el queso rallado.
4) Salar a gusto.
5) Colocar el relleno sobre la masa y cocinar durante 30m.

[Galletas de queso y avena}

En el mercado

3 tazas de Avena Quaker Tradicional
1 taza de harina leudante
6 cucharadas de manteca fría en cubitos
9 cucharadas de agua fría
150 g. de queso rallado o más, a gusto

En la cocina

1) Precalentar el horno a 190°C.
2) En un bowl, colocar la avena, incorporar la manteca y mezclar utilizando sólo las yemas de los dedos hasta obtener una masa “con migas”.
3) Agregar el queso rallado y, de a poco, el agua para humedecer. Unir bien.
4) Colocar harina en la mesada y esparcir la masa.
5) Estirar con un rodillo y con un cortante obtener las galletas.
6) Cocinar cerca de 15m en horno suave o hasta que estén doradas.

jueves, 11 de abril de 2019

{Tarta de cebolla gourmet by Blanca Cotta}

En el mercado

1 masa de tarta salada
1/2 kilo de cebollas
Manteca para saltear la cebolla
3 huevos
1/2 taza de salsa blanca espesa
1/2 taza de crema de leche
Sal, pimienta y nuez moscada

En la cocina

1) Forrar una tartera con la masa de tarta salada que prefiera (o cómprela hecha).
2) Aparte, cocinar 1/2 kilo de cebollas en manteca hasta que estén doraditas.
3) Condimentar y acomodar en el fondo de la tartera.
4) En un bol, mezclar 3 huevos con 1/2 taza de salsa blanca espesa y 1/2 taza de crema de leche.
5) Sazonar con sal, pimienta y nuez moscada.
6) Verter el batido sobre las cebollas, espolvoree con queso rallado y lleve al horno hasta que la masa esté cocida y la superficie gratinada.


jueves, 4 de abril de 2019

{Summer Gazpacho}

Servings: 4

Great gazpacho starts with epic tomatoes—because this preparation is raw, there’s no hiding a sub-standard specimen. Go for gold! Er—red? This is part of BA's Best, a collection of our essential recipes.

En el mercado

½ English hothouse cucumber, peeled, seeded
½ large red bell pepper, stemmed, seeded
2 pounds very ripe red tomatoes, preferably heirloom, cut into ½-inch wedges, 3 tablespoons seeds reserved
½ large shallot, chopped
1 garlic clove, finely grated
2 tablespoons (or more) sherry or red wine vinegar
Flaky sea salt
3 tablespoons olive oil, plus more for drizzling
Quartered cherry tomatoes, chopped chives, and grilled or toasted country-style bread (for serving)

En la cocina

1) Cut 2" of the cucumber into ¼" pieces and set aside for serving; coarsely chop remaining cucumber and place in a large bowl. Cut one-quarter of the bell pepper into ¼" pieces and set aside for serving; coarsely chop remaining bell pepper and add to bowl with chopped cucumber. Add tomatoes to bowl and toss with shallot, garlic, 2 Tbsp. vinegar, and 1 Tbsp. salt. Let stand 30 minutes at room temperature to let flavors meld.

2) Transfer tomato mixture along with any accumulated juices to a blender. Add 3 Tbsp. oil and purée on medium speed until smooth; season with salt and vinegar, if desired. Strain through a coarse-mesh sieve into a large bowl or pitcher and chill until cool, about 1 hour.

3) Divide gazpacho among bowls. Top with cherry tomatoes, chives, reserved cucumber and red pepper pieces, and tomato seeds; drizzle with oil and season with salt. Serve with bread alongside.

Do Ahead: Gazpacho can be made 1 day ahead; cover and chill.


{Roasted Tomato Soup}

Servings: 4

Roasting brings out the sweetness of canned tomatoes, but this method works with fresh tomatoes, too. This is part of BA's Best, a collection of our essential recipes.

En el mercado

1 28-oz. can whole peeled tomatoes
8 garlic cloves, peeled
½ cup olive oil, divided
Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper
1 large onion, chopped
2 tablespoons tomato paste
4 cups low-sodium chicken broth
1 sprig rosemary
1½ cups torn crusty bread
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature

En la cocina

1) Preheat oven to 425°. Crush tomatoes with your hands into a 13x9" baking dish; scatter garlic over and drizzle with 1/4 cup oil; season with salt and pepper. Roast, tossing halfway through, until garlic is very soft and tomatoes are jammy, 35–40 minutes. Using a potato masher or fork, mash to break up garlic and tomatoes.

2) Heat 2 Tbsp. oil in a large heavy pot over medium-high. Add onion and season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until onion begins to soften, about 5 minutes. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover pot, and cook, checking and stirring occasionally, until onion is very soft, 25–30 minutes (this long, slow cooking draws out maximum flavor). Increase heat to medium-high, add tomato paste, and cook, stirring, until slightly darkened in color, about 2 minutes. Add roasted tomato mixture and broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until flavors meld, 15–20 minutes. Let cool slightly.

3) Meanwhile, strip leaves from rosemary sprig and toss with bread and remaining 2 Tbsp. oil on a clean rimmed baking sheet; season with salt and pepper. Toast, tossing once, until croutons are golden brown, 6–8 minutes.

4) Working in batches, purée tomato mixture in a blender until very smooth (make sure lid is slightly ajar to let steam escape; cover with a towel). Transfer to a large bowl or pitcher.

5) Pour soup back into pot. Taste and season with salt and pepper; keep warm.

6) Serve soup topped with butter and rosemary croutons.

Do ahead: Tomato soup and croutons can be made 4 days ahead. Let soup cool; cover and chill. Store croutons airtight at room temperature.


miércoles, 3 de abril de 2019

Porciones: makes enough for two 9–10" single crust pies or 8 hand pies.

En el mercado

2½ cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup (2 sticks) chilled unsalted butter, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

En la cocina

1) Pulse flour and salt in a food processor to combine. Pulse in butter until mixture resembles coarse meal with pieces of butter still visible, about 20 pulses.

2) Combine vinegar and ½ cup ice water in a measuring cup. Pulsing, drizzle in vinegar mixture; pulse until dough just holds together when squeezed (it should still be crumbly), about 10 pulses.

3) Turn out dough and divide in half. Place each half on a sheet of plastic wrap and use plastic to press into disks. Wrap and chill until firm, about 2 hours.

DO AHEAD: Dough can be chilled 3 days ahead. Or, freeze up to 2 months.


{Caramelized Garlic, Spinach, and Cheddar Tart}

Porciones: 4

En el mercado

All-Butter Pie Dough (click here for recipe)
All-purpose flour (for surface)
5 large eggs
3 heads of garlic, cloves peeled
Kosher salt
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary
1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme
Freshly ground black pepper
6 ounces sharp white cheddar cheese, grated (about 2 cups)
2 cups baby spinach
¾ cup crème fraîche
¾ cup heavy cream

En la cocina

1) Place a rack in lower third of oven; preheat to 350°. Roll out 1 disk of dough on a lightly floured surface to a 14” round. Transfer to a 9”-diameter pie dish. Lift up edge and let dough slump down into dish. Trim, leaving about 1” overhang. Fold overhang under. Freeze 15 minutes.

2) Meanwhile, roll out second disk of dough on a lightly floured surface until about ⅛” thick. Cut into ¼”-thick strips. Transfer to a parchment–lined baking sheet. If dough is soft, chill until just pliable. Working with 3 strips at a time, braid dough, returning braids to baking sheet as you go. Chill until just pliable.

3) Beat 1 egg in a small bowl. Brush edge of dough in dish and bottom sides of braids with egg. Arrange braids along edge, trimming and gently pressing sections together as you go. Freeze 15 minutes.

4) Line dough with parchment paper or foil, leaving some overhang. Fill with pie weights or dried beans. Bake until crust is dry around edge, 25–30 minutes. Remove parchment and weights and brush entire crust with egg. Bake until crust is dry and set, 10–15 minutes. Let cool.

5) Meanwhile, cook garlic in a medium saucepan of boiling salted water until beginning to soften, about 3 minutes; drain. Wipe saucepan dry and heat oil in pan over medium-high. Add garlic and cook, stirring occasionally, until cloves start to turn golden brown, about 2 minutes. Add vinegar and 1 cup water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until garlic is tender, 10–12 minutes. Add maple syrup, rosemary, and thyme, and season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until liquid is syrupy and coats garlic, about 5 minutes.

6) Scatter cheese over crust; top with spinach. Whisk crème fraîche, cream, and remaining eggs in a medium bowl; season with salt and pepper. Pour over spinach. Add garlic with any syrup. Bake until custard is set and golden brown in spots, 35–40 minutes. Let cool on a wire rack.


{Mushroom Carbonara}

Servings: 4

Mushrooms take the place of the traditional cured pork in this vegetarian carbonara recipe—but fear not, the dish does not lack depth of flavor! A deep browning on the mushrooms, coupled with garlic and shallots, brings the humble button mushroom to a higher place.

En el mercado

Kosher salt
1½ lb. crimini or button mushrooms
6 garlic cloves
2 medium shallots
1 cup parsley leaves with tender stems (about ½ bunch)
5 large egg yolks
1 large egg
4 oz. store-bought pre-grated Parmesan, plus more for serving
1½ tsp. freshly ground black pepper, plus more
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 lb. orecchiette

En la cocina

1) Fill a large pot with water and season well with a few big pinches of salt. Bring to a boil.
2) Meanwhile, do some veg prep! Tear off and discard stems of 1½ lb. crimini or button mushrooms, then tear them into quarters (or in halves if small). Transfer to a medium bowl. Lightly smash and peel 6 garlic cloves, then thinly slice. Peel and finely chop 2 medium shallots. (A small red onion will work fine in a pinch.) Coarsely chop 1 cup parsley leaves with tender stems.
3) Whisk 5 large egg yolks, 1 large whole egg, 4 oz. store-bought pre-grated Parmesan (about 1¼ cups), and 1½ tsp. freshly ground black pepper in another medium bowl; set aside.
4) Heat a large Dutch oven over medium-high for a good 3 minutes. You want to get the pan very hot since adding the mushrooms is going to lower the temperature of the surface of the pan. Toss mushrooms and ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil once in pan to coat in oil. Cook, tossing once every 4–5 minutes (but mostly undisturbed), until mushrooms are mostly golden brown, 13–16 minutes. This will take some time and they will let out a lot of moisture before they start to brown, so stick with it!
5) Once mushrooms have been cooking for about 10 minutes, drop 1 lb. orecchiette into boiling salted water and set a timer 2 minutes shy of al dente according to package directions.
6) Back to those mushrooms! Once you’ve finished the browning process, reduce heat to medium-low and add garlic, shallots, and 1½ tsp. salt. Cook, stirring often, until aromatics are softened but not browned, 30–60 seconds.
7) When pasta is 2 minutes shy of al dente, scoop out 2 cups pasta cooking liquid, then drain pasta.
8) Add pasta along with 1 cup pasta cooking liquid to mushroom mixture. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring often to finish cooking the pasta and absorb liquid, about 2 minutes (this is why you’re cooking the pasta 2 minutes shy of al dente; it allows for the flavors to meld as the pasta finishes cooking in the sauce). Remove from heat and let cool 1 minute. (Don't skip this step—if the pasta is too hot when you add the egg mixture, it will turn into scrambled eggs instead of a luxurious sauce.)
9) Add ½ cup pasta cooking liquid to reserved egg mixture and whisk to combine and loosen eggs. Gradually add egg mixture to pot, stirring vigorously with a wooden spoon and adding more pasta cooking liquid as needed to loosen things up, until a very creamy, luscious sauce coats all noodles.
10) Add parsley and stir again to combine. Taste and adjust seasoning for salt.
11) Divide pasta among bowls. Top with Parmesan and a few cranks of pepper.


{Burst Cherry Tomato Sauce}

En el mercado

2 Tbsp. unsalted butter
2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
4 crushed garlic cloves
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
2 pints cherry tomatoes
½ tsp. red pepper flakes

1) Heat the unsalted butter and the extra-virgin olive oil in a large skillet over medium until butter is foaming.
2) Add the garlic cloves, season with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, and cook, stirring occasionally, until garlic is aromatic and starting to brown, 1–2 minutes.
3) Add the cherry tomatoes and increase heat to medium-high.
4) Cook, tossing frequently and pressing down on tomatoes with a wooden spoon to encourage skins to split, about 5 minutes.
5) Add the red pepper flakes and toss to combine.
6) Taste and season with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, if needed.
7) Spoon tomatoes and pan sauce onto BA’s Best Risotto. Drizzle with oil.

{Bon Appétit's best risotto}

En el mercado

1 Tbsp. kosher salt, plus more
6 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
½ large white onion, finely chopped (about 1½ cups)
2 cups carnaroli or Japanese sushi rice
1 cup dry white wine
5 Tbsp. unsalted butter, cut into pieces
7 oz. finely grated Parmesan (about 1¾ cups), divided
Freshly ground black pepper

En la cocina

Combine 1 Tbsp. salt and 10 cups water in a medium stockpot. Bring to a very bare simmer over medium heat.

Meanwhile, heat oil in a 6-qt. Dutch oven over medium. Cook onion and a pinch of salt, stirring frequently, until onion is translucent and starting to soften, 6–8 minutes. Add ½ cup water and cook, stirring often, until water evaporates and onion is sizzling in oil and completely tender, about 5 minutes. (Adding the water allows the onion to cook gently and thoroughly without taking on any color.) Taste onion; if it’s still firm at all, add another splash of water and continue cooking until meltingly soft.

Add rice and stir well to coat with oil. Cook, stirring constantly, until grains of rice are translucent around the edges and they make a glassy clattering sound when they hit the sides and bottom of pot, about 5 minutes. Coating the grains with oil before adding any liquid helps the rice cook evenly so that the outside does not become mushy before the center is tender. Add wine and another pinch of salt. Bring to a simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, until wine is completely evaporated, about 2 minutes.

Reduce heat to medium, then add hot salted water to rice in ¾-cup increments, stirring constantly and allowing liquid to absorb fully before adding more, until rice is and surrounded by fluid, not-too-thick creamy suspension, 25–30 minute. It should take 2–3 minutes for each addition to be absorbed; if things are moving faster than this, reduce heat to medium-low. Gradual absorption and constant agitation are key to encouraging the starches to release from the risotto, creating its trademark creamy consistency. You may not need all of the hot water, but err on the side of soup rather than sludge. The finished texture should be more of a liquid than a solid. Start checking the rice after about 15 minutes; the grains should be tender but not mushy, with a slightly firm center that doesn’t leave a chalky or bitty residue between your teeth after tasting. Do not overcook!

Remove pot from heat, add butter, and stir until melted. Gradually add 1¼ cups Parmesan, stirring until cheese is melted and liquid surrounding risotto is creamy but very fluid. Stir in more hot salted water if needed to achieve the right consistency. Taste and season with salt.

Divide risotto among warm bowls. Top each with a grind of pepper. Serve with remaining ½ cup Parmesan alongside for passing.

BA’s Best Risotto Parmigiano is good enough to serve on its own, but it’s also an excellent canvas for a whole host of toppings. Here are a few options we love, for whatever season you’re in.


lunes, 1 de abril de 2019

{Kielbasa and Lentil Soup with Lots of Basil}

Porciones: 4


2 medium onions
2 celery stalks
1 fennel bulb
6 garlic cloves
12 oz. kielbasa
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling
½ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
Kosher salt
2 Tbsp. tomato paste
1¼ cups lentils
2 cups basil leaves
½ cup whole-milk Greek yogurt


1) Prep the mirepoix (a.k.a. the aromatic base of your soup). Peel 2 medium onions and finely chop. Transfer to a large bowl. If there are any pale, tender leaves attached to the heart of your bunch of celery, pluck off about ¼ cup to reserve for serving. Take 2 celery stalks and cut in half lengthwise, then cut crosswise into ½" pieces; add to bowl with onion. Cut off stems and dark green parts from 1 fennel bulb; discard or save for another use. Cut bulb in half through the core, then finely chop. Add to bowl with onion. Lightly smash 6 garlic cloves to release skins. Peel, then smash forcefully with the side of your knife to break them down into smaller bits. Add to bowl with onion.

2) Slice 12 oz. kielbasa crosswise into ¼"-thick coins.

3) Heat a large heavy pot over medium. Add ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil and swirl to coat. Cook kielbasa in a single layer (it’s okay if it’s not a perfect one), undisturbed, until golden brown underneath, about 3 minutes. Turn pieces with a wooden spoon and cook, stirring occasionally, until mostly browned on both sides, 1–2 minutes longer.

4) Reduce heat to medium-low. Add onion mixture, ½ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes, and 1 tsp. salt and cook, stirring often, until vegetables are softened and onion is translucent, 8–10 minutes.

5) Add 2 Tbsp. tomato paste and cook, stirring often, until it darkens in color, 1–2 minutes longer.

6) Add 1¼ cups lentils, 1 tsp. salt, and 4½ cups water and stir to combine. Increase heat to medium-high and bring to a simmer. Once simmering, reduce heat to medium-low, cover pot, and cook, peeking occasionally to ensure soup is at a bare simmer, until lentils are tender but not falling apart, 20–45 minutes (depending on what kind of lentils you're working with).

7) Remove from heat. Add 2 cups basil, stirring to wilt. Taste and adjust seasoning for salt.

8) Divide soup between bowls. Dollop with ½ cup whole-milk Greek yogurt and drizzle with more olive oil. Garnish with reserved celery leaves if you have them.
