viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2019

{Steak with miso by Nigel Slater}

Steak with deeply savoury juices.
Rib-eye or sirloin steak, white miso, shallot, tarragon, chervil, cider vinegar, butter.

For 2

In the market

2 rib-eye or sirloin steaks
Olive oil
4 tablespoons (60g) butter
1 shallot, finely chopped
2 tablespoons of white (shiro) miso
1 tablespoon of cider vinegar
Tarragon, chopped
1 tablespoon chervil, chopped

In the kitchen

1) Fry 2 rib-eye or sirloin steaks in a little butter and olive oil in a shallow pan, turning and basting regularly (I turnmine every 2 minutes and baste almost continuously).When the meat is done to your liking, lift from the pan and set aside to rest on a warm plate.

2) Add 4 tablespoons (60g) butter to the pan, let it sizzle briefly, then stir in a shallot, finely chopped, and let it soften for a minute, stirring occasionally and scraping the browned steak juices from the pan.

3) Add 2 tablespoons of white (shiro) miso and a tablespoon of cider vinegar and whisk. (If it looks like the sauce is splitting, add a spoonful of hot water and whisk.) Stir in a tablespoon of chopped tarragon and a tablespoon of chopped chervil.

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